Lifesaving Station
Provincetown, MA

I’m going to ride my bicycle there.

From Sturbridge, MA.

That’s 192 miles over two days in August.


Because I am one of the lucky ones.  Both moles they’ve excised have been benign. The string of monthly irregular PAP smears didn’t turn into anything. The anomaly on the mammogram disappeared. Yes, I am one of the lucky ones.  Several years after being diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer, my immediate family member is alive and well. None of my extended family members who have been diagnosed with various forms of cancer have died of the disease.

Friends of my parents have. Parents of my friends have. Co-workers have.  Friends have. Why am I riding?  I am riding for those that have died. I am riding for those who are still alive, who are fighting for their lives.  I am riding so that they may live to see their grandchildren.  I’m riding so that their grandchildren won’t have to worry about getting cancer. I am riding to keep my lucky streak alive.

For all the knitters out there, I’ve got some fiber rewards/incentives for you:

Anyone who donates a minimum $50 will receive sock yarn for a pair of adult socks or other small project AND have their name entered into the Reward Giveaway (one entry for each $5 donated).  For those who donate less than $50, for each $5 your name will be entered into the Reward Giveaway.  (If you’re not a knitter, let me know so I don’t send you any yarn.  I’ll might send you something else though.)

What’s at stake in the Reward Giveaway you ask?  Yarn, yarn, yarn, and more yarn, and few other goodies as well.  Details on the fibery goodness will be revealed over the next few posts.  There will be Trekking, Socks that Rock, Kangaroo Dyer, Spunky Electric, pattern books and more!  As for the other goodies and for the benefit of non-knitters, I’ve got an original Chris Speakman screenprint of Fenway Park that is looking for a new home and a brand new 4GB Zune.

If you donate, please send me an email at kat.pmc AT gmail COM with your amount information, your snail mail (so I can send the yarny goodness), and if you want to be entered into the fiber or non-fiber Reward Giveaway.  If you want to be entered into both, just let me know how to divide your contribution between the two.  Donations must be made by September 15th to qualify for the Reward Giveaway.

I don’t have the readership of Claudia or the Yarn Harlot, but I know we can make a contribution toward cancer research.   Just think of the progress that has been made in our lifetimes!  When I was growing up, a cancer diagnosis was a death sentence.  The survival rate is so much higher these days – Lance Armstrong, Mike Lowell, Jon Lester, Larry Lucchino, my friend JD, my co-worker C, my Dad, your [fill in the blank].

If you would like to sponsor me, my fund raising page is here.  Don’t donate for me.  Donate for your family members, for your friends, for your co-workers who have been impacted by cancer.


~ by Kat on July 24, 2008.

7 Responses to “PMC”

  1. I’m donating for you. And for me, for having some of the same scares, plus having an increased risk of lymphoma simply by having celiac disease…

  2. […] is going to bike 192 miles over two days in support of a good cause. (You know how I feel about biking!) She’s giving away some relatively amazing prizes (such […]

  3. I will definitely be donating!

    Also, do you need prizes? Because I could certainly part with some of my stash for this!

  4. Good luck!!!

  5. i’ll donate a prize if you need prizes. let me know.

  6. well i’m an asshole. it was this past weekend. i’m sorry.

  7. Gah! I did not realize how early in August this was! I just added my donation in today =)

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